Issues That Matter
Gun Violence

No child should fear for their life at school. No worker should fear a mass shooting at their job. Weapons of war don’t belong in our neighborhoods. Gun violence prevention is a public health issue, and Lauren believes that Congress must respond accordingly with data-driven, evidence-based policies.


As a member of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Lauren made addressing the veteran suicide crisis a top priority. More than 7,300 veterans, servicemembers, reservists, and members of the National Guard die by suicide each year.

To address the veterans suicide crisis, Lauren wrote the Veterans Care Quality Transparency Act to ensure high quality mental health and suicide prevention care for veterans.  This bipartisan legislation was signed into law by President Trump in October 2020.

Lauren secured $25 million to study gun violence as a public health issue, the first federal research into gun violence in more than two decades.


Lauren supported House passage of the Bipartisan Background Checks Act and the Enhanced Background Checks Act to establish universal background checks for all gun sales and close loopholes that make it easy for criminals to buy guns. As a member of the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, she is committed to getting gun safety legislation signed into law.

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Lauren continues to advance legislation to prevent suicide, especially among vulnerable populations.